About us

Denefis® Brand:

Denefis® is a new and innovative brand that focuses on providing high-quality skincare products.
We hereby will be exploring the history and philosophy behind the brand, as well as the different types of products that we offer.

History of Denefis®:
Denefis® was founded in 2022 by a group of skincare experts who wanted to create a brand that focused on natural and effective ingredients.
The brand is committed to using only the highest quality ingredients, and they prioritize sustainability and ethical sourcing.

Philosophy of Denefis®:
The philosophy of Denefis® is centered around the idea that skincare should be simple and effective.
We believe in using natural ingredients that are backed by science, and avoiding harmful chemicals and preservatives.
Denefis® is also committed to promoting sustainable and ethical practices in the beauty industry.

Products offered by Denefis®:
Denefis® offers an elegant range of skincare products, including facial creams, sun protection creams, moisturizers, serums, masks and hair care products.
All of our products are formulated with natural and effective ingredients, such as stem cells, plant extracts, vitamins, and peptides.
The brand also offers a line of body care products, including lotions and scrubs.
Denefis® is a new and innovative brand that is committed to providing high-quality skincare products.
Our philosophy of simplicity and natural ingredients sets them apart in the beauty industry.
By choosing Denefis® products, consumers can feel confident that they are using effective and sustainable skincare products.

Atahan Group Ltd. Sti is the owner of the brand Denefis® and reserves all global rights.